Medals and Insignia of the Republic of Vietnam and Her Allies 1950-1975

Hardcover $29.95
ISBN 978-1-884452-49-9
Softcover, Paperback $24.95
ISBN 978-1-884452-48-2
by Col Frank Foster (Author) Click here for video review
Medals and Insignia of the Republic of Vietnam and her Allies 1950 to 1975. This is the most complete listing of all medals, decorations, ribbons and unit awards of the Republic of Vietnam. It includes all Vietnamese civilian and military awards in their different classes as well the medals of the Commonwealth allies, the Philippines, China, Korea, Thailand any United States and includes French medals for the war in Vietnam. Examples of uniforms and insignia for the RVNAF Army, Navy and Air Force are shown.
As a display of its new sovereignty, the state of Vietnam in 1950 issued medals of its own to accompany the new flag and national army. Recommendations or awards were to be sent each year on 1 January to the Imperial chancellery or the final decision of his Majesty the chief of state. On early medals, only the wounded medal was inscribed State of Vietnam, later it was changed to the Republic of Vietnam.
After 1954, Vietnam was effectively split with the communist in the north and a pro-Western government in the south. The Republic of Vietnam developed an extensive award system patterned mainly on the French model. Only the civilian Kim Khanh declaration retained a true native labor. A review of French medals and devices revealed the original on some of the South Vietnamese medals.
The book, printed in full, presents nearly full-size images of every Republic of Vietnam military medal and civilian medals. All of the decorations and medals are described in detail to include the criteria for award to both South Vietnamese and foreign personnel. The rarity and the difference between South Vietnamese manufacturers and foreign manufacturers are noted for each award.
A new section illustrates the uniforms of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, their rank insignias, examples of their shoulder sleeve insignia and skill badges. The book is not only a stirring tribute to all who fought to defend South Vietnam against communist aggression but will become the authoritative guide on this much misunderstood subject.
Short History of the Republic of Vietnam
Symbolism of the Republic of Vietnam Medals 8
State, Republic and Loss of the South 10
The Republic of Vietnam Medals 12
Procedures for Republic of Vietnam Awards 14
Procedures for Wearing Republic of Vietnam Military Medals 16
Republic of Vietnam National Order 18
Republic of Vietnam Military Awards Color Plates 19-24
Republic of Vietnam Military Medal Descriptions 25-43
Republic of Vietnam Civilian Awards Color Plates 44-52
Allied Awards Color Plates 53-55
Republic of VietnamCivilian Medal Descriptions 56-58
Republic of Vietnam Unit Awards 69
Medals of the Allies 70
T’ai Federation
and Nung Autonomous Zone 70-72
Empire of Annam 72-73
Republic of France 74-76
United States Republic of Vietnam medals
Commonwealth Republic of Vietnam
Republic of Korea in the Republic of Vietnam
Kingdom of Thailand in the Republic of Vietnam
Republic of the Philippines in the Republic of Vietnam
Republic of China in the Republic of Vietnam
International Commissions 87-88
Federal Republic of Germany
and the Knights of Malta in the Republic of Vietnam
RVN Memo on award of New Medals 90-91
Republic of Vietnam Army Uniforms and Insignia 92-93
Republic of Vietnam Navy Uniforms and Insignia 94
Republic of Vietnam Air Force Uniforms and Insignia 95
Republic of Vietnam Shoulder Sleeve Insignia Examples 96-97
Republic of Vietnam Medal Certificates 98
Republic of Vietnam Skill Badge Examples 99
Republic of Vietnam, USA and French Medals Examples 100
Republic of Vietnam, USA and French
Republic of Vietnam Miniature Medals Examples 101
Republic of Vietnam Commemorative Medals
”’I was recently doing a research paper on the fall of Vietnam under Communism. This book has more than just the history of medals and decorations from the Vietnam era, but gives precise details on how the war began to French forces to when the Americans pulled out. This is a very complete, beautiful color guide to all Republic of Vietnam Military and Civilian decorations, medals, ribbons and unit awards. It includes all Vietnamese civilian awards and their different classes with pictures and descriptions of all the medals of the Vietnamese Allies.
The book offers each decoration’s history with all its different classes and descriptions. It is great for future Viet generations living abroad and in Vietnam. At present it is a must for historians, researchers, war gamers, and modelers.”’