Air Force Military Ribbon & Medal Wear Guide
Five years in developing this beautiful book provides full-color plates and detailed descriptions and criteria of all Navy medals and insignia earned by Navy veterans and admired by their families from World war II to the Liberation of Iraq. What further sets this book apart is the handsome color plates and detailed drawing describing the criteria, purpose, and background of every award. Battle stars, attachments for valor, dates, places even the significance of ribbon color is presented in a wonderful flowing combination of words and illustrations. There is even a section on how insignia and ribbons were worn in each war and a section on how veterans or their families can claim their medals free!
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- Color plates of all Navy medals and ribbons from 1939 to 2000 with their history and award criteria.
- All Commonly awarded foreign and UN medals.
- Navy ribbons chart in the correct order with all attachments and devices.
- All Navy officer and enlisted rank insignia and Enlisted specialty marks from World War II to present.
- A guide to correct wear of medals, ribbons, insignia, and badges by active-duty personnel and veterans.
- How to claim medals and display awards and insignia.
- Size: 81/2” x 11” 124 pages
- “Why didn’t the 5 million Navy and Marine veterans receive their military medals at the end of World War II?
It is true, but there was no plot against the Navy veterans. It was just that brass production and have been diverted to making ammunition for the war effort. Therefore with the exception of military decorations such as the Silver Star and Purple Heart very few campaign medals were manufactured before the end of the war. In fact some of the medals had not even been designed by 1945. So when America’s Navy veterans returned home at the end of the war all they had to show for their campaigns and victory were ribbon bars to ear on their chest. Even then several medals such as the Navy Occupation Medal, the Prisoner of War Medal, and that Navy Commendation Medal were not authorized or designed until years after the war. By that time the veteran had returned home and begun the process of returning to civilian life.
The big problem all 14 million American Navy veterans and their families have is there is no single official or unofficial source that describes the meaning and tells the story of their military medals and insignia. Active duty and Reserve personnel face the same problem with information scattered in bits and pieces of hard to find Navy publications. Today that problem is solved! Medals of America Press is proud to publish the Complete Guide to United States Navy Medals, Badges and Insignia, World War II to Present.”covers all nav Medals up to Desert Storm:Medal of Honor (Navy, Army, Air Force)Navy CrossDistinguished Service Cross
Air Force CrossCoast Guard CrossDefense Distinguished Service MedalNavy Distinguished Service MedalArmy Distinguished Service Medal
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
Homeland Security Dist. Service Medal
Transportation Distinguished Service MedalCoast Guard Distinguished Service Medal
Silver Star
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Navy & Marine Corps Medal
Soldier’s Medal
Airman’s Medal
Coast Guard Medal
Bronze Star Medal
Purple Heart
Defense Meritorious Service MedalMeritorious Service Medal
Air Medal
Aerial Achievement Medal
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Navy & Marine Corps Commendat’n Medal
Army Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal
Coast Guard Commendation Medal
Transportation 9-11 Medal
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
Coast Guard Achievement Medal
Combat Action Ribbon (Navy, Marine Corps)
Air Force Combat Action Medal
Combat Action Ribbon (Coast Guard)
Navy Presidential Unit Citation
Army Presidential Unit Citation
Air Force Presidential Unit Citation
Coast Guard Presidential Unit Citation
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Army Valorous Unit Award
Air Force Gallant Unit Citation
Navy Unit Commendation
Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation
Army Meritorious Unit Commendation
Air Force Meritorious Unit Award
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
Air Force Organizational Excellence AwardArmy Superior Unit Award
D.O.T. Secretary’s Outstanding Unit Award
Coast Guard Unit CommendationCoast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendat’n
Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendat’nNavy “E” Ribbon
Coast Guard “E” Ribbon
Coast Guard Bicentennial Unit Commendat’n
Gold Lifesaving MedalSilver Lifesaving Medal
Prisoner of War Medal
Reserve Special Commendation Ribbon
Navy Good Conduct Medal
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal
Air Force Good Conduct MedalCoast Guard Good Conduct Medal
Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal
Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal
Army Reserve Components Achievement
Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service
Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal
Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year
Navy Fleet Marine Force Ribbon
Navy Expeditionary Medal
Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal
China Service Medal
American Defense Service Medal
Women’s Army Corps Service Medal
American Campaign Medal
European-African-Middle Eastern
Campaign Medal
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal
U.S. Antarctic Expedition Medal
Navy Occupation Service Medal
Army of Occupation Medal
Medal for Humane Action
National Defense Service Medal
Korean Service Medal
Antarctica Service MedalCoast Guard Arctic Service Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Kosovo Campaign MedalAfghanistan Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Korea Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Outstanding Volunteer Service MedalNavy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon
Navy Arctic Service Ribbon
Naval Reserve Sea Service Ribbon
Navy & Marine Corps Overseas ServiceRibbon
Navy Recruiting Service Ribbon
Marine Corps Recruiting Ribbon
Marine Corps Drill Instructor Ribbon
Marine Security Guard RibbonMarine Combat Instructor Ribbon
Navy Recruit Training Service Ribbon
Navy Ceremonial Guard Ribbon
Navy Recruit Honor Graduate Ribbon
Transportation 9-11 Ribbon
Coast Guard Special Operations ServiceRibbon
Coast Guard Sea Service Ribbon
Coast Guard Restricted Duty Ribbon
Coast Guard Basic Training Honor
Graduate Ribbon
Coast Guard Recruiting Service Ribbon
Air Force Air & Space Campaign Medal
Air Force Nuclear Deterrence Operation
Air Force Overseas Ribbon (ShortTour)
Air Force Overseas Ribbon (Long Tour)
Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon
Air Force Longevity Service AwardRibbon
Air Force Military Training InstructorRibbon
Air Force Recruiter RibbonArmy Sea Duty Ribbon
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Naval Reserve Medal
Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon
Army N.C.O. Professional Development
Army Service Ribbon
Army Overseas Service Ribbon
Army Reserve Components OverseasTraining Ribbon
Air Force N.C.O. Professional Military
Education Graduate Ribbon
Air Force Basic Military TrainingHonor Graduate Ribbon
Air Force Small Arms ExpertMarksmanship Ribbon Air Force Training Ribbon
Foreign Awards
Philippine Presidential Unit Citation
Korean Presidential Unit Citation
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation
Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation
Philippine Defense Ribbon
Philippine Liberation Ribbon
Philippine Independence Ribbon
United Nations Korean Service Medal
United Nations Medal
NATO Medal for Bosnia
NATO Medal for Kosovo
NATO Article 5 & Non-Article 5 Medals
Multinational Force & Observers Medal
Inter-American Defense Board Medal
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia)
Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait)
Korean War Service Medal
Navy Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon
Navy Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon
Coast Guard Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon
Coast Guard Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon
“The author has done great job bringing together a wealth of information previously not available in print. The sections on decorations and medals are outstanding and include full color pages on all medals and ribbons. The section on specialty marks is the most complete I have seen, with descriptions, drawings and historical background. The specialty marks not only include those in use today, but detail marks back as far as 1939. The sections on insignia are also good. The author has obviously drawn from many sources and has even gone to the trouble of utilizing line drawings on obsolete badges no longer in existence. There are also color pages clearly showing most of the badges and insignia used since World War II. This is an excellent book for current naval personnel and veterans.”
A reader from Arlington, Virginia, USAThis is a must book for those interested in the U. S. Navy
This is a great reference book for everyone who is interested in Navy medals and ribbons. Each medal and ribbon has a description for when they were instituted, criteria for earning them, devices for each as well as a photo. The book also explains the proper way to wear them for special occasions and inspections. In doubt as to the proper way to build the medal and ribbon racks and the order of precedence. The book also explains that. Looking for an Awards Certificate that is included and how to claim them from the U.S. Government. The history for rating patches, badges, medals and ribbons is also included. This is a recommended book for collectors of military medals and ribbons as well as military history buffs. No military library should be without this reference book.
The book is worth the price for the medal information alone.”
A reader from Arlington, Virginia, USAThis is a must book for those interested in the U. S. Navy
“This book was published by The Medals of America Press, so it’s not surprising that its main emphasis is on decorations, medals and awards. But it also intends, as the author writes, to be a “definitive” reference covering badges and rank insignia. The color plates are very nice, and the information for current insignia and medals is nice to have. But if
The book is worth the price for the medal information alone.”
a reader from Sacramento, CA United States
“Jim Thompson has done a superlative job by providing in-depth detail of each decoration, medal, device and rank/rate insignia of the U.S. Navy. This book is a must-have reference for anyone who has an interest in the Navy, or the armed services in general.”
a reader from Sacramento, CA United States
“Jim Thompson has done a superlative job by providing in-depth detail of each decoration, medal, device and rank/rate insignia of the U.S. Navy. This book is a must-have reference for anyone who has an interest in the Navy, or the armed services in general.”