Vietnam Veteran’s Medals, the basic load every Vietnam vet should have received.
Describes the three military medals every Vietnam veteran was awarded for service in the Vietnam theater of operations from July 1965 through March 1973. All of this information and more is in “Military Medals of America” at The National Defense service medal, the Vietnam service medal with campaign stars and devices, the Republic of Vietnam campaign medal and the Vietnamese Cross of gallantry unit citation are fully described to include their symbolism and different formats. Learn the Military medals for Vietnam Service every U.S. Veteran was awarded. Understand the meaning and symbolism of each of the medals and for what and why it was awarded.These are the basic honors the United States awarded her Vietnam veterans.
World War II Veteran’s Military Medals Workshop
This video is about how United States Army, Navy, Marine, Army Air Force and Coast Guard veterans can display their military medals from World War II. All of this information and more is in “Military Medals of America” at Shows veterans and their families what the U.S. military medals are that World War II veterans were awarded. Shows Bronze Star medal, Purple Heart medal, Army Good Conduct medal , Navy Good Conduct medal, Marine Good Conduct medal, Army Air Force Good Conduct medal, Air Force Good Conduct medal, and Coast Guard Good Conduct medals, American Defense medal, American Campaign medal, ETO,Medal, European Middle East and Africa Campaign medal, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, Victory Medal and Army and Navy Occupation medals plus shadow box displays and WW 2 uniform examples.
Navy Decorations, Service Medals, Unit Awards and Ribbons Only awards. Do you know the difference?
This video is about Navy Decorations, Unit Awards, Service Medals and Ribbons Only awards and Marksmanship Badges.All the information shown came from the book Medals and Ribbons of the US Navy.
How to Display Navy Veterans Military Awards 1945-2021 with Veteran’s Medals Workshop
This video shows how U.S. Navy Veterans have displayed their awards from World War II to the Global War on Terror. All of the different items used to make a museum quality display as a focal point for a Navy veterans service for generations to come is shown. MOA Press: All this information is available in our books at Thanks To: Medals of America for providing the medals in this video.
Armed Forces Reserve Medal is 5 Different Medals
This medal was authorized in 1950 for ten years of honorable and satisfactory service within a 12 year period as a member of one or more of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States. An executive order on Aug. 8, 1996, authorized the award of a bronze letter “M” mobilization device to U.S. reserve component members who were called to active-duty service in support of designated operations on or after August 1, 1990 (the M device was not authorized for any operations prior to August 1, 1990, although it had been previously proposed). Units called up in support of Operations Desert Storm/Desert Shield were the first units to be authorized the “M” device. If an “M” is authorized, the medal is awarded even though service might be less than ten years. Previous to this change, only bronze hourglasses were awarded at each successive 10-year point (first hourglass at the 20-year point). The front of the medal depicts a flaming torch placed vertically between a crossed bugle and powder horn; thirteen stars and thirteen rays surround the design. The front of the medal is the same for all services; only the reverse design is different (see designs below). Bronze numerals beginning with “2” are worn to the right of the bronze “M” on the ribbon bar and below the “M” on the medal, indicating the total number of times the individual was mobilized. Bronze, silver, and gold hourglasses are awarded for 10, 20, and 30 years service, respectively. Contact us if you have any questions about military medals or one of our many publications?
RVN Armed Forces Honor Medal – January 7, 1953
This medal without ribbon devices was widely presented to U.S. officers and men after six months of staff service in combat or non-combat units. The award was originally entitled in French as La Medaille du Merite Vietnamien and was intended for “French or foreign military men who participate in the capacity of advisors or contribute to the organization of the National Army. There are French-made versions, and American made versions which most closely follow the original Vietnamese design. Large images of the medals are Vietnamese, while miniature medals are American made. They were presented by the Republic of Vietnam for contributions to the formation and organization of the Armed Forces and the training of troops and technical cadres of the various branches and intended for non-combat achievements. Medal Descriptions Description: Front: a cross form couped with additional points reflected down the arms and with thin blade points coming between the arms, and in the central disk, a coiled dragon with a ribbon around inscribed, with a wreath of oak leaves around the design of the cross arms, 38mm. Back: plain. Suspension is by a laurel wreath. First Class Purpose: For officers. Description: Gold. The ribbon is yellow 1˚mm, red 6mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, red 6mm, yellow 1˚ mm. Device on the service bar is a gold eagle with a shield on breast and holding swords. Second Class Purpose: For NCO’s and enlisted men. Description: Silver. The ribbon is 7˚mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, light blue 3mm, yellow 3mm, red 7˚mm. Device on the service bar is a silver eagle with a shield on its breast and holding swords. Contact us if you have any questions about military medals or one of our many publications?
Korea Defense Service Medal, Do you have the Old version or the New?
The Korea Defense Service Medal was authorized in 2003 for Armed Forces members who served in the Korean theater for at least 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days after July 28, 1954. The medal is also awarded for service to include reservists on annual training in Korea. While only one award of the Korea Defense Service Medal is authorized, the question is, do you have the old one or the new one? Distinctions Between the Two Medals The Institute of Heraldry changed the specifications for the first Korea Defense Service Medal. At first glance, you might not notice the change, but the new medals being manufactured have a slightly different look or a bit smaller, and the word “medal” has been removed from the front of the medallion. The original medal is still authorized for wear and may still be issued as long as they are in the supply system. It should undoubtedly be the medal of choice if you want something a bit special. The current medal is a bronze disc with a Korean circle dragon within a scroll inscribed, “KOREA DEFENSE SERVICE,” with two sprigs of laurel at the base. The four-clawed dragon is a traditional Korean symbol representing intelligence and strength of purpose. The sprig of laurel denotes honorable endeavor and victory; the bamboo refers to the land of Korea. The reverse displays two swords placed over a map of Korea to signify the defense of freedom and the readiness to engage in combat. The enclosing circlet represents the five-petal symbols common in Korean armory. The Korea Defense Service Medal is worn after the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and before the Armed Forces Service Medal. The dark green ribbon represents the land of Korea; blue indicates overseas service and commitment to achieving peace. Gold denotes excellence; white symbolizes idealism and integrity, and light blue with a thin white stripe in the center and narrow white stripes at the edges. Contact us if you have any questions about other medals or one of our publications?
But Where Were The World War II Veterans’s Medals?
During World War II, generally, only decorations such as the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, and Purple Heart were manufactured. Brass was restricted to the manufacture of munitions, so campaign medals were mainly issued as ribbon bars, and soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen were not given medals but only ribbon bars to pin on their uniforms. Most of the campaign medals were unavailable to veterans until several years after the war. By then, most service personnel had been discharged from the Armed Forces and returned to civilian life. The photograph to the right is a good example of what was available for veterans to wear home. His two campaign ribbons (European-African-Middle Eastern and Asiatic Pacific Campaigns) are 1/2 inch high old style ribbons missing his campaign stars while his Victory ribbon and Good Conduct Medal are the standard 3/8 inch height of the Army and Air Force World War II ribbons. Unless the veteran went through the process of writing the government and asking for their medals, World War II veterans never received their actual campaign or Victory medals. In fact, several World War II awards were not approved until several years after the war. The approval of the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service to combat infantrymen and combat medics was not authorized until almost the end of 1947. The Victory and Occupation Medals were not manufactured until mid-1946, by which time many of the personnel authorized them had long since left the Armed Forces. That is the reason you seldom see WW II veterans wearing their medals or displaying them. Not that they weren’t proud of their service for they were very, but you can’t wear medals you did not have. Contact us if you have any questions about military medals or one of our many publications?
The Beginning of Military Awards
The Beginning of Military Awards can be traced to the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, but the Roman Legions were the first to organize an award system honoring their soldiers for bravery and service. Once recognized, Roman soldiers wore these decorations in battle, parades, and displayed them in their homes after their military service. If an entire Roman legion was cited for valor, a decoration was added to the Legion’s eagle standard. Merits, Deeds, and Heroic Actions Two thousand years ago, the Greek historian Polybius wrote: “If there was any fight, and some soldiers distinguish themselves by bravery, the legion commander would bring his troops together and call forward those to be decorated. The Roman commander would call out the merits, deeds, and heroic actions for which the Roman soldier was to be decorated and present the legionnaire with a necklace, armbands, or set of disks. During the ceremony, the commander would often tie the item to Legionnaire’s armor.” (Just as today’s commander pins a military medal on the chest of a marine.) Awards for Bravery During the time of the Roman Empire, the Roman army established a series of decorations for military bravery. The most common decoration for bravery was a golden circle necklet called Torques. Torques were worn around the necks of Celtic Warriors, and their award originally represented the defeat of an enemy in single combat. Over time the Torques became an award for bravery. The second type of valor award for all ranks were embossed or plain armbands called Armillae. Another highly coveted award was an embossed disc called a Phalerae, which were sometimes awarded in sets and worn on a leather harness over the legionnaire’s armor. These discs were presented in bronze, silver, and gold, and there was no limit to the number a soldier could be awarded. Above these three awards were various crowns such as the Corona Aurea (Golden Crown) presented to Centurions for victorious personal combat and the Corona Vallaris (Fortification) crown awarded to the first legionaries or centurion over the walls of an enemy fortification. A very high honor was the Corona Civia, a crown of Oak leaves for saving the life of a fellow Roman citizen during battle. Eventually, the Corona Civia allowed recipients to serve as Senators in the Roman Senate. The one distinction between Roman army awards and today is the Roman’s only decorated living soldiers. There were no posthumous honors for the fallen. Roman Influence The symbols from the Roman standard pictured can be seen in the decorations and awards of Napoleon, United States Army insignia as early as 1812, and the Third Reich, to name a few. So as we begin the history of United States decorations and awards, it is clear our early designs of the eagle, lightning, victory wreaths of laurel, and oak came from ancient Roman Legions. After the fall of Rome, the custom of awarding medals for military service probably owes its origin to the badges used within the armies of England after the decline of armor and before the introduction of distinctive uniforms. The badges themselves, of course, grew out of the coats of arms, which emblazon retainer’s liveries. There are several instances of record where commanders rewarded men on the battlefield by giving them badges struck in some valuable metal or perhaps embossed with precious stones. Heroes, who were decorated in this way, remove the ordinary metal insignia from their coats or hats and, instead, would wear the much prize emblem. This was probably the beginning of medal granting and wearing as it is in the Armed Forces of today. Contact us if you have any questions about other military awards or one of our many publications?
How to Determine a Veteran’s Military Medals
Many veterans and their families are unsure of which military medals they were awarded and often for good reasons. Twenty-five, thirty, even fifty years after military service, it is often difficult to remember or identify the awards a veteran may have earned the right to wear or display. Thousands of veterans have been heard to say, “I don’t want any awards I’m not authorized, but I want everything I am authorized.” So the question is, “What are the medals authorized the veteran for his military service during each conflict?” There are several reasons besides the passage of time that veterans are not always sure of their military awards. At the end of World War II, many campaign medals had not yet been struck and were only issued as ribbons due to the restriction on brass and other metals for the war effort. Many unit awards had not yet been authorized, and on the whole, most soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen were more interested in going home than they were in their military records. Other changes such as Congress’ decision in the 1947s to authorize a Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service to all recipients of the Combat Infantryman and Combat Medical Badge was not well known. Many veterans never realized that they had earned a Bronze Star Medal. Perhaps the most striking example is the recently-approved Republic of Korea War Service Medal. The Republic of Korea offered the medal to all U.S. Korean War veterans, but our government did not accept it until 1999. In other cases, veterans came home and stuffed their medals and awards into a cigar box, which usually found its way into the hands of children, and these magnificent symbols of valor and service from a grateful nation disappeared over time. Today there is a wonderfully renewed interest in wearing and displaying United States military medals, both to honor veterans’ patriotic service and to display a family’s pride in military service. World War II, Korea, and Vietnam veterans now wear their medals at formal social and patriotic events, and a display of military medals and insignia are often in the family home place of honor. As mentioned earlier, military medals are divided into two categories: Decorations awarded for valor or meritorious service and Campaign and Service medals awarded for a particular service or event. Additionally, there are Unit Awards, which are for unit valor and meritorious service and ribbon-only awards presented for completing specialized training or recognizing specific service. Decorations are individual awards which are of such singular significance that most veterans and their family will remember when such awards have been presented. Decorations are noted on a veteran’s official discharge papers (called a DD Form 214) as well as published in official unit orders. However, there are exceptions, such as the Bronze Star Medal issued for meritorious service after World War II and in some cases Purple Heart medals that were never officially presented. Someone unsure if they received a decoration can request the National Records Center in St. Louis or other veterans’ records holding areas to check their records. Home of Heroes lists all Medal of Honor, Service Crosses, and most Silver Star awardees. Bronze Star, Air Medal, Purple Heart, Commendation and Achievement medals are announced in unit orders which are usually found in the individual’s military service record. Campaign and service medals, unit awards, and ribbon-only awards are more clearly identifiable. The Army, for example, has a campaign register which provides a clear indication of which campaign medals, unit awards, campaign stars, and foreign unit awards are authorized a particular unit during certain periods of time. To aid in identifying the campaign medals authorized veterans of different conflicts and to show how they can be displayed, United States and Allied campaign medals authorized since World War II are summarized below Exact criteria for each medal and the campaigns associated with it are shown in detail on the internet or complete in Military Medals of the United States. World War II World War II saw Good Conduct Medals for all four services. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard had already established Good Conduct Medals while the Army (which included the Army Air Force) established a Good Conduct Medal in 1941. World War II Campaign Medals World War II saw Good Conduct Medals available to all four services. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard had already established Good Conduct Medals while the Army (which included the Army Air Force) established a Good Conduct Medal in 1941. The American Defense Service Medal was authorized for the period of national emergency before 7 December 1941. After America declared war, the conflict was divided into (1) the American theater, (2) the European, African, Middle Eastern theater, and the (3) Asiatic Pacific Theater. Examples of the medals awarded are shown. Korean Campaign Medals 1950-1954 The Armed Forces approved acceptance of the ROK War Service Medal in Oct. 1999 for all Korean War Veterans. The Korea Defense Service Medal for 30 days service in Korea after 27 July 1954 was approved in 2003. The Navy and Marine Corps changed the ribbon drape of their Good Conduct Medals. Although the Air Force became a separate service in 1947, it still used the Army Good Conduct Medal during the Korean War and until 1 June 1963, which the Air Force Good Conduct Medal was authorized. Vietnam Campaign Medals 1965-1973 Cold War 1947-1991 Millions of Americans served in the Armed Forces during the so-called Cold War, often in dangerous and difficult places. Often the current Good Conduct Medals of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard were all they were authorized. Southwest Asia, Bosnia/Kosovo, Afghanistan & Iraq Campaign Medals Southwest Asia Service Medal 1991-1995 Bosnia/Kosovo Campaign Medal 1999-2013 Afghanistan Campaign Medal 2001-To a date To Be Determined Iraq Campaign Medal 2003-2011 Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal 2014-To a date To Be Determined Contact us if you have any questions about one of our publications?