Army Combat, Skill and Marksmanship Badges with uniform examples.

This video describes the combat, special skill and marksmanship badges awarded U.S. Army soldiers. All the information came from US Army Medals and Badges at The combat and special skill badges are arranged into the five groups specified by the Army. Every Army badge since World War II is shown and described as well as examples of how to wear them on the uniform.

Navy Veterans’ Desert Storm & Liberation of Kuwait Medals .

This video is about Navy Veterans’ Desert Storm Medals and how veterans can display them. All the information shown came from the book Military Medals of America at . There are at least four and up to six military medals every sailor who served in operation Desert Storm should have received. Two of the medals are foreign awards and one of those foreign awards was not authorized until 1995 almost 4 years after operation Desert Storm. This video lays out those awards and examples on how to display them for the veteran and for their family. Desert Storm, Persian Gulf War, Kuwait Liberation, First Iraq war along with the military medals are covered.

Air Medal, the Combat Decoration for 2 million veterans from WW II to the Global War on Terror

This video is about United States Air Medal . All the information shown came from the book Military Medals of America at This is the Air Combat decoration your grandfather or father has been awarded for valor and meritorious service in WW II , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror. Each service has a different way of honoring her veterans with the Air Medal.

Marine Corps Badges and Insignia

his video is about Marine Corps wings, Parachute badges, EOD, Diver and Special Operations Insignia as well as special Identification Badges. All of the information in this video came from “Marine Awards and Insignia” available at The author displays examples and discusses Marine breast insignia and special identification badges for U.S. Marine Corps personnel. Insignia reviewed are: Marine Wing Insignia, Naval Aviator Insignia, Marine Corps Flight Surgeon WW II, Marine Corps Flight Nurse WW II, Marine Corps Air Crew WW II, Naval Aviation Observer (Tactical) InsigniaBalloon Pilot Insignia, Naval Aviator Insignia, Naval Flight Officer Insignia, Naval Astronaut (NFO) Insignia -Naval Astronaut Insignia, Marine Aerial Navigator Insignia, Naval Aviation Observer Insignia’ Naval Aircrew Insignia, Combat Aircrew Insignia, Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Insignia, Diver Insignia , SCUBA Diver Insignia, Combatant Diver Insignia, Marine Special Operator Insignia, Presidential Service Badge (PSB), Vice Presidential Service Badge (VPSB, Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge (OSD ID), Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge (JCS ID), United States Marine Corps Military Police Badge, Marine Corps Military Police Corrections Badge,United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (USMC C.I.D.) Badge.

Army Identification Badges and how they are worn on the uniform.

A review of US Army identification badges from Presidential Service to Combat Service and how they are worn on the uniform. All the information came from US Army Medals and Badges at The badges are shown in the order in which the Army ranks them to include those for permanent wear and those for only temporary wear.

Army Air Force World War II Veterans’ Military Medal Displays

This video is about Army Air Force WW2 Veterans’ Medal Displays. All of this information and more is in Medals and Ribbons of the USAF at Examples of AAF veterans’ military medals are displayed and the story of why there were no medals for them at the end of World War II. How to design and layout a veteran’s military display case is shown along with examples for pilots, aircrews and ground crews military awards display cases.

Military Medals of America a Five Star Book Review

This video is a Review of Military Medals of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. All the information shown came from the book Military Medals of America at A detail review of the new 200 plus page Military Medals of America illustrated history of US Armed forces awards since the Revolution to today’s Global War on Terror is presented by the author Colonel Frank Foster. This new all color, printed in the USA edition replaces the over 200,000 copies of the previous editions.

Bronze Star Medal and How to Display the medals.

The Bronze Star is a premier American combat decoration awarded for both valor and merit. All the information shown came from the book Military Medals of America at video shows you the way the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and USCG awarded the medal and the different devices they use as well as examples of how to wear and display the medal. It covers the period 1941 to 2021.

Air Force Medals and Ribbons

This video is about Air Force Medals and Ribbons and covers Air Force awards since 1914 to today. How to identify Air Force medals, how to obtain them, how to wear them and how to display them. You can view and and purchase the book at Every U.S. Air Force Medal and ribbon is shown in full size with the criteria for award and history to include the devices for additional awards. Reference charts let you break the code to read the ribbons of every airman from General to Airman along with an overview of all the basic awards every airman will have been awarded in every major conflict. A special section even shows foreign awards to Air Force personnel in WW 2 and Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, NATO and the United Nations.

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